How to Archlinux?
As you may know, I am a arch user(...btw) for about 2 years.
What is Arch Linux's deal?
If you used some kind of linux distros like
How the heck do you install it
Enough ramble. Let's get to the installation. Most of the instruction will be directly from arch's install guide, with some additional infos from my experience (you used it for 2 years you are not seasoned).
1. Getting the installation media & booting it
Before installing, I assume you have a x64 computers with UEFI (basically every modern PC / Laptop). If you are using something that has BIOS or are using other architecture like ARM, this won't apply.
First we will grab the boot media. Go to the download page in the archlinux website. Here we need to get the iso file of the boot media. Scroll down until you find your country's name (this is for faster download) and click on one of the mirrors. From here click on the file named "archlinux-20xx.xx.xx-x86_64.iso" and save it.
After obtaining the media, we are gonna prepare a bootable USB drive. Insert your USB (note that you have to make sure it doesn't have anything important in there). From here there are many ways you can put the iso in it.
Rufus is one
2. Setting up environment before installation
So now we're in some kind of
3. Actually installing the system
Our setup is complete.
4. Configure your newly installed system
The main part is done. But there are many things
Finally got it on my system. Now what?
You finally
1. Where do you install apps?
An OS can't live without all
A. The package manager - pacman
The main way of getting apps, avid linux users might know some package managers like apt
from Debian / Ubuntu or dnf
from Fedora. Arch of course has one, called pacman
(short for PACkage MANager(very creative name), not to be confused for a certain yellow creature)